
Our thoughts on technology and design

This blog post is written for developers who have not used the Vue ecosystem before and want to decide whether to use it in a project or not. To help with this decision, this blog post will give a brief overview of the technology and ecosystem.
TypeScript's type system is amazing, but it can't do everything. In this post, I demonstrate how the builder pattern takes my types to the next level. We walk through an example in detail, so you can start using builders too.
UX Design
APIs "done properly" can be a significant strategic enabler, or even a whole new business proposition. This piece highlights some examples of this in action.
Back in May I wrote a blog, Beyond COVID, discussing the changes we may see in the UK after the lockdown. With restrictions now lifting (or maybe not lifting), it seems to be a good time to revisit my thoughts and look ahead to the future.
Tech · Video
There's a standard approach to migrating legacy applications into desktop containers: the desktop equivalent of the strangler pattern – but this has its drawbacks. Is there another way? In this webinar, I shed light on an alternative that addresses these drawbacks and opens up new opportunities for old tech. And I explain what on earth rollercoasters have to do with it.
Published in 2007, Amazon's Dynamo paper changed the distributed database world. As well as powering AWS S3, it also inspired many well known open-source NoSQL technologies such as Apache Cassandra, LinkedIn's Voldemort and Basho's Riak. This post intends to present the paper and its concepts in a digestable way.
Variables allow you to store and reuse values in your requests and scripts. Storing a value in a variable allows you to reference it throughout your environments and collections. It’s also practical because if you want to update a value, you have to change it only in one place. There are a few types of variables in Postman and might be confusing where to use which so in this blogpost I will try to explain that.
Effective API testing has become increasingly more important with the rise of microservices. In this post we'll discuss how we can efficiently manage our API tests and automate them into a CI/CD pipeline with some of the tools provided by Postman
In this blog post I'll be demonstrating how quickly it's possible to setup, integrate and deploy a React application using the right tools.
Writing emulators that bring old computer hardware back to life is a popular hobby, and one that I have been enjoying recently through my own goal of writing an Atari 2600 emulator. However, writing a CPU emulator can get a little repetitive and tedious, so I thought I'd explore a different approach - generating the CPU emulation code from a specification rather than manually translating it. This blog post shares the fruitful results.
With so many organisations claiming to do microservices, it’s time to re-examine. Let's explore the principles of microservices and how the mindset transcends specific technology choices of the moment. It's more about people and change than it is about technology.
The change from fossil fuels as our primary source of energy to renewables has vast and immediate implications for our power infrastructure and its operators. It will take smart and open thinking leaders to create a smart and open power network.
UX Design · Video
This webinar explored the potential of desktop container technologies to cultivate an integrated desktop ecosystem, and shares some techniques for taking a workflow-focused approach to software design.
This white paper identifies the core building blocks that are required to build an integrated desktop application ecosystem using a combination of web and legacy technologies, looks at the associated challenges, and reviews the various open source and commercial products that form the foundations of this ecosystem of the future.
Tech · Video
This technical webinar sets out the steps involved in migrating a legacy application into the Finsemble desktop container, and introduces some of Finsemble's main features.
Open Source
Data for development and test systems is essential for testing, feature design and development. This post explores the options and presents the Data Helix tool, that provides an effective means of producing data.
Tech · Video
This technical webinar sets out the steps involved in migrating a legacy application into the Glue42 desktop container, and introduces some of Glue42's main features.
In this article, I would share some thoughts about how to approach something we all dread and why it is important to be transparent in an appropriately sensitive way.
I've been using Svelte for about 6 months now, and the worst bit has always been the lack of TypeScript support - but it's finally here! This post shows you how to get started using my two favourite web technologies together.
UX Design
The choice of whether to build a web app, a PWA, a desktop container app or a native desktop application is one that is usually dominated by technical discussions. Of course, a deep understanding of the technical tradeoffs is essential. But what can often be underrepresented is a consideration of the real end-users, and what approach might be best for them.
