
Our thoughts on technology and design

For businesses that are transforming their development practices, testing, as ever is either overlooked, or the last thing to get a makeover. So how do you go about providing real value with changes to your testing practices.
a quick summary of your post
We explore how to use Spring Profiles as a handy way to select the configuration at runtime by wiring in different beans, as well as looking at how to autowire different beans in for integration tests.
Tech · Video
This technical webinar sets out the steps involved in migrating a legacy application into the OpenFin desktop container, and introduces some of OpenFin's main features.
The function console.log is a JS developer's best friend. In this post I explore the console API in greater detail to help you in your next big project, or help you mess around.
Data Engineering
This blog is about tools that help address the challenge of testing systems which handle large data volumes. We’ll see why creating a large, realistic and valid test data set is hard, how test data generators can help, and compare some of those available.
Accessibility is essential to provide a high-quality experience for all of your users. However, it can be easy for failures to slip into our applications. In this post, we'll look at the six most common accessibility problems and discuss why they matter and how they can be fixed.
If you're hiring developers you're always going to need a technical interview as part of the process. This post discusses what you should look for in this interview to find the best applicants.
UX Design
Recently, a whole range of tools have been introduced promising to fully automate visual design specs, so that designers never have to manually create specs again. But is it really that simple? Just like other forms of automation, there are pros and cons to these tools that are important to consider.
Tech · Video
This webinar explores the potential and realities of an emerging vision for a more integrated desktop application ecosystem, as facilitated by various open-source and vendor products.
Tech · Video
WebAssembly is a brand new W3C standard for a secure and load-time optimised, stack-based virtual machine that is a compilation target for a broad range of languages. That's clear isn't it?! This talk will provide a very gentle introduction to WebAssembly, with practical examples. By the end of the talk you'll have a much better understanding of this exciting new technology.
If you don’t work in finance or technology then the chances are, you may not have heard of Open Banking. In this article I’ll explain more about Open Banking, my own experience of implementing an Open Banking API solution for a UK challenger bank, and a brief look at what's coming next...
Those organisations who emerged stronger and more competitive from the 2008 global financial crisis are at it again. They have benefited significantly from past bold and decisive moves and now they are wasting no time adapting to the next version of the future. So what are the tenets of change this time?
In this article, I would like to look at some traps that often impact performance in the workplace and outline some efficient ways to ensure your team is doing a good job.
UX Design
Design specs are often overlooked or unwelcome as part of the design process. However, by employing the same UX principles to this stage as we do to the rest of our work, we can optimise handover from design to development.
In this post, we work through building up a cubic spline from first principles first in Python, and then converting the Python code into an Alteryx macro
Following the recent relaxation of Lockdown, and with reports circulating of further loosening, we can all start to look forward to something approaching normality. But what will constitute “normal” in the future, and what will this mean for the technology we use?
In this post, we look at creating a brute-force search approach to solve Matt Parker's Coin Puzzle using some binary manipulation within Alteryx
This blog post introduces the WebGL components which we recently added to D3FC, this suite of components make it easy to render charts with very large numbers of datapoints using D3. Throughout this post I'll describe the creation of the following visualisation, which displays 1 million books from the Hathi Trust library
One of the most common complaints when someone starts learning React Redux is that it's too magic. In this post, we'll be pulling back the curtain on React Redux to discover how it really works.
