
Our thoughts on technology and design

After hearing about Svelte, a performance-first web framework, I tried it out in a web-based Minesweeper solver. SHOCKINGLY, it didn't automatically make my code fast - that took a process of iterative optimisation
In this post, I discuss agility in more general terms than thinking about any specific framework. My aim is to highlight the overarching purpose of agility for businesses as a whole as opposed to concentrating at the team level as I have seen so often.
A short story on my maiden voyage into the world of Cypress - the test tool, not the country. This is an overview on how I discovered Cypress, how I configured it, created tests and how I drifted away from the standard setup to utilise the provided TypeScript and Cucumber plugins to make it work with the application development project we were delivering.
Setting a Sprint Goal is a powerful means of achieving focus, motivating and inspiring your team. So why is it always forgotten about?
For the past 3 months, I have been a bit obsessed with Minesweeper. It has plagued my honeymoon, stolen my free time, and been the subject of two tech talks. That's a good thing.
To achieve continuous deployment, we need to achieve continuous confidence of our software. We need to think about Continuous Testing.
In this post I explore the Bindable SwiftUI Redux package I created, and explain the motivations behind using Redux for state management in SwiftUI, and the challenges faced in integrating the two frameworks.
A quick introduction into API automated testing using Postman and Newman. Postman tests can be so simple and straight forward. Newman gives the capability of running Postman tests through the command line. I'll discuss implementing basic tests to showing how valuable Postman tests can be in a CI/CD environment.
This post discusses one way to add Playwright to a create-react-app generated app, and shows how easy it is to use for cross-browser UI automation.
Interface Segregation is an important part of writing clean and maintainable code. In most languages, it requires constant maintenance and naturally degrades over time. In TypeScript, we can just Pick the good bits.
In this post I take a closer look at how SwiftUI uses declarative syntax to construct view hierarchies, and how it transmits state updates to the UI.
In this hands-on tutorial, I'll introduce Google Cloud Platform and use it to develop a simple computer vision application. We'll make the most of its user-friendly interface, great developer tools and generous free tier.
Automation plays a crucial role in the execution of regression test suites. A Continuous Integration (CI) tool can run 100’s of tests as part of a build deployment pipeline. The CI tool proceeds through several steps until the pipeline is complete. Wonderful! - but what do we do if failing tests block your pipeline?
This post looks at adding Puppeteer to a create-react-app generated app, and shows how easy it is to get Puppeteer up and running.
We - Alex and James - are graduate developers and our first project introduced us to Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and serverless architecture. This post is a collation of useful resources and thoughts gathered on our journey to help you learn about AWS, Terraform and Serverless - it's the guide we wish we had.
SAT solvers are surprisingly fast and probably under-used. Could one help us improve sprint planning meetings? Maybe, but first you'll have to change the way you think about user stories.
In this post we will be investigating how we can improve the performance of a chart created using D3FC and WebGL by using a lower level API from the d3fc-webgl package.
Cloud · Video
In this webinar, James maps out a set of well-defined and understood steps on an organisation's cloud journey, to help you plan your onward route towards cloud maturity.
In this post, through experimentation, I will be comparing the two most popular browser automation frameworks: Selenium and Puppeteer
Rebasing is a technique available in Git, often shrouded in mystery or steered away from, this post explains what it is and how it can be used
