
Our thoughts on technology and design

This post explores some of the ideas and technology features behind Docker and Kubernetes. We delve into deploying a simple Java application on the Google Cloud Platform using a managed Kubernetes Cluster.
You may have heard of "Infrastructure as Code" - but have you heard of "Infrastructure as Code as a Service"? We wanted to reliably and routinely set up hardware on demand as and when we needed it; this was our approach.
Developing with Redux makes managing your React state easier, but if not integrated correctly it can remove key advantages of using React, wrecking your application's performance. This blog will outline how I managed to create a painfully slow React app and the steps took to correct it.
A common misconception is that accessibility is for users that are deemed ‘disabled’ in modern society. This blog explores what 'accessibility' really is and how we can develop with it in mind.
In this post, I look at how WebAssembly can be used to create serverless functions and demonstrate an AWS Lambda function written entirely in Rust.
Cloud Custodian is an open source project from Capital One. It allows you to enforce your cloud compliance rules in an automated way. One key use case of Custodian is to reduce costs by shutting down unused resources. In this post, I'll walk through setting up a Custodian and writing a policy. This will shut down EC2 instances outside working hours to save money.
For our 12-week summer internship, Paulius Pocius and I were tasked with making the foyer screen responsive and customisable, with a view to eventually having it installed locally on all office desktops.
The popularity of Infrastructure as Code has skyrocketed in the last few years. Such tools allow the rapid and reliable provisioning of resources straight to the cloud, saving huge amounts of time and effort in the long run. One of the most prominent of these tools is Terraform, which this post will focus on, particularly with regards to AWS.
The habit of setting a release date for a project is often an obstacle to the success of said project. Focusing on delivering quickly and often usually makes more sense from a commercial and from a technical perspectives.
It's been a busy year for the Scott Logic testing team since we last visited the Software Testing Conference North. This year offered the opportunity to catch up with other members of the testing community, and to hear how companies are tackling their testing challenges.
When it comes to creating complex bespoke charts, of all the JavaScript visualisation / charting frameworks, D3 is the clear winner. This blog post takes a step-by-step look at the process of of building an ‘advanced’ financial charting using D3, with additional components from d3fc.
Testers are called on to give advice as part of their role. How can do we do that in a way that is in the best interest of our team and product without our natural bias getting in the way? Leveraging the concept of the trusted adviser is one solution to this.
The TensorFlow team have developed a JavaScript library for performing machine learning tasks in the browser. We take a look at some of its uses and discuss some of the problems encountered while working with it.
Thinking of applying to be a Scott Logic intern? In this blog post I give a retrospective on the role, from the initial application, through to the prospective job offer.
When my off-spring were younger and needed me more, I struggled to find the time to learn, I struggled to work out what to learn and I struggled with how to break it down to make it manageable. This is the article I wish I had been able to find and read all those years ago for anyone going through that frustration today.
React and Redux are 2 tools that together make it simpler to create functional UIs. However there are many potential pitfalls when it comes to using them. In this blog I will walk you through some practices to keep in mind as you write your own code.
UX Design
Open Banking came into force in January 2018. It was introduced to shake-up the fundamentals of the UK financial sector by aiming to create competition and foster collaboration. This blog post will take a brief look at what Open Banking means for the user experience by reviewing some of the current Consent Models (permissioning flows) for adding a users’ bank account to the account aggregator Yolt.
Do you think Test Driven Development is simply writing the tests before you write the code? If you do, then this post is for you.
System Integration Testing can often be very complex. This article aims to explore some of the common pitfalls of SIT and aid in preventing or overcoming these.
Sharing our experience of delivering a complex, technical project, and why we decided to switch to Agile (Scrum) mid-project to take control of the project delivery.
