
Our thoughts on technology and design

How Scott Logic consultants worked with Rabobank's London IT department to improve DevOps practices.
Following from my recent article on Machine Learning with Scikit Learn, I decided to experiment with the library that is most loved by developers today: TensorFlow. Similar to Scikit Learn, this post walks through a simple example of TensorFlow to categorise handwritten digits.
DevOps culture is a critical part of successfully delivering an enterprise scale project. Getting that culture into a company requires a mindset change. In this article, I explore the journey to the DevOps Culture, DevOps Mindset and provide some practical advice based on my experiences.
Apache Curator is a client side library providing convenience and out of the box algorithms when working with Apache Zookeeper. In this blog we take a quick look at how to implement a leadership election.
Why do we write tests? When should we write tests? Which tests is it alright to skip? And have that angry mob of TDD developers actually achieved 100% test coverage?
Can the perfect team evolve beyond the need for sprint retrospectives?
UX Design
Animation prototyping tools have been increasing in popularity, but also in variety. I spent a week exploring these tools and in this post I will try to gauge which tool is most appropriate for the needs and workflows of our team.
A call to arms for better representation of women at tech conferences, followed by some practical tips for first-time speakers.
This blog is based on my experience as a tester and how I got into testing. Furthermore, the blog explains my time at Scott Logic so far.
The Newcastle graduates were given the task of creating a stock watchlist application that allowed users to track the prices of various stocks. This post describes the project and offers some thoughts into how it went.
Testing can become a bottleneck within an agile delivery pipeline, resulting in delays and poorer quality software being released. This guide provides simple but effective ideas and techniques to successfully embed testing into the agile culture, eliminating those bottlenecks and increasing the confidence in your software quality.
Tech · Video
This talk, from JSMonthly, looked at what's wrong with the way we are using JavaScript today and why we need WebAssembly.
How to incorporate security testing of a website into your exploratory testing workflow
In August 2017 a typosquatting attack was discovered in the npm repository with the intention of stealing developers' credentials. This post explains the attack and my efforts to search for similar active attacks.
Tech · Video
This talk will introduce the recently launched TensorFlow.js library, demonstrate what’s possible right now (with some audience participation!) and ponder on the future directions this technology might take us.
I describe setting up feature branch deployments with Gitlab's Review Apps and AWS Elastic Beanstalk. This gives a fairly straightforward means of setting up automated deployment of PR branches, but I discuss some issues I encountered along the way.
I found splitting JavaScript applications into separate packages within a single source tree difficult, until I found a tool called Lerna.
In this blog post I'll be exploring Lexical Scope in JavaScript and answering the question "What is Closure?"
JVM Roundabout is a meetup in London where all things related to JVM are discussed. The February edition of the meetup focused on microservices. I had to be there!
Women often possess traits, skills and experiences that lend themselves to critical and sometimes overlooked aspects to being a great tester. This article will explore why and how these predispositions are necessary attributes to excelling in the field of testing.
