
Our thoughts on technology and design

Does npm 5 deprecate yarn? With promises of increased speed and consistent package versions yarn has a new competitor, but in this post I'll show the reasons for why, for the time being, I'll be sticking with yarn.
Following on from my previous blog post where I created a simple particle simulation using Go, I looked at adding some complexity.
This blog describes a one day event in London where leading tech companies were discussing tools they use to make their development and operations scale and be more efficient.
Using two of the currently most popular web frameworks I'll demonstrate how to create semantic looking code.
Theming an application is a concern for many organisations and products. In this post I'll present a simple way to manage branding using current tooling.
This post takes a look at the recently launched GitHub App platform, that allows developers to create integrations and services which can be shared with others. The post describes the development of gifbot, a simple and fun App!
While there is much written about Agile, it’s important to understand not only the principles of the frameworks but also what it means to *be* Agile.
UX Design
Insurance is stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to user experience. This post will detail some thoughts on what can be done in the short term to steer their customer’s experience in the right direction.
This blog post describes the process of creating a GitHub bot, hosted as an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda function, that performs various checks on pull requests.
It is a great joy to be a member of a productive team that delivers exceptional value. In this blog post I will share things that developers can be doing to make that happen. Ideas presented are funded in Agile principles and Lean manufacturing.
Two years ago I wrote about TypeScript compiler APIs. There has recently been further progress in this area and I explore the newly exposed API in TypeScript 2.3.
At the Agile North East Lightning Talks Competition I had 8 minutes to tell a room full of people how to help testers succeed.
Following on from making a simple particle simulation in Go, I decided to try and implement a simple set of web services too.
Small multiples repeat the same basic chart, typically with the same axes, to display different slices of a dataset. They are an excellent way of showing rich multi-dimensional data, without becoming a dense mess of lines. This post looks at how to implement small multiples with D3 and d3fc.
Lead Developer Bartosz discusses the differences between working for a company that provides in-house development and working as a Scott Logic consultant
Data Engineering
In this post we compare how Cassandra and MariaDB can be configured to operate in clusters and how this affects response time for queries. We found Cassandra to scale well and to be highly configurable. MariaDB can be used with Galera Cluster but it does not provide horizontal scaling. Also NDB can be used to scale MySQL but it was not as configurable as Cassandra.
Hear how our graduate developers got on at Voxxed Days 2017
Your store is the source of truth... as long as it makes sense. A concrete example integrating Redux with React Router
It’s an exciting time to work in UK tech, with companies growing each year. But there's something of an elephant in the room - the lack of women entering STEM
Data Engineering
Docker 1.13 introduces a simple way of providing secrets to containers
