
Our thoughts on technology and design

UX Design
The size of things is relative to the scale that we set. This might sound like a trivial notion, but it is key to creating meaningful data visualisations.
An insight into how software testers at Scott Logic work.
In this post, we discuss design and implementation choices for account and session management features, and how these trade off against usability and other goals.
This is part 2 of the Using WebdriverIO guide where we'll be taking a closer look at the tests and implementing the page-object model.
WebdriverIO is a great addition to your automation toolkit. This 2-part post first walks through configuring WebdriverIO and automating the test process using Gulp, before taking a look at the tests themselves and abstracting using the page-object model in part 2.
Inspired by Colin's article on building an expenses app with the Mondo API, I wanted to create something to make use of the webhook API which fires in real-time (ish) whenever a transaction happens. In this post I'll cover subscribing to the Mondo webhook, creating the glue code as an AWS Lambda and pushing pins into the Pebble Timeline REST API.
Kotlin is the latest JVM-targeted language to see a 1.0.0 release. Having experimented with it for a short while I thought I would capture my experience and point out a few gotchas.
Over the past several years there has been a lot of talk about cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin, and the blockchain technology that underpins them. However it can be difficult to understand how the blockchain actually works in practice, and why it is such a clever method for currency exchange. Two of our graduates are currently developing our own cryptocurrency for use within Scott Logic, as an attempt to better understand the practical uses of the blockchain. In this blog post, we aim to explain the inner workings of the blockchain and help people to understand how it manages to keep transactions both secure and anonymous. This post will go into the low level algorithms of blockchain and provide verified examples alongside each algorithm; this post is not for the faint of heart!
This post uses React to show how we can use features from functional programming in everyday JavaScript, and integrates RxJS to show how these approaches are common across many frameworks today.
A first-timer at the annual BCSWomen Lovelace Colloquium, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but was keen to answer any questions about careers in software.
Mondo Bank has recently moved into public Beta, sending out 1,000 cards to trial customers each week. I received my Beta card a few days ago, and have been using it ever since. This blog post takes a quick look at the Mondo API and how I used it to automate expense claims!
Along with the modularisation of code, D3 version 4 also brings new support for canvas drawing, thanks to the d3-path package introduced in version 4.
Nic Hemley, Head of Development for Scott Logic in Bristol, co-founded the Bristech meetup in July 2013, inspired by an existing group in Edinburgh. In this series of blog posts, Nic will be telling the story of this meetup: its genesis, challenges and possible future direction.
Automation of user interactions in browsers can be difficult. Even more so when you have to hunt for elements in a single page application. How can we ensure reliable location of these and reduce flaky checking?
Business must attract broader people into software and ensure the gender-based conditioning that has resulted in a male industry is confined to history.
d3-path is an abstraction over SVG path creation which uses the canvas element's Context2D interface. Previously creating path generation code involved a lot of concatenating SVG path commands like M0,0 or L2,2, and the somewhat more cryptic C70 20,120 20,120 10. Even with ES6 string interpolation such code can be incredibly hard to read (and write!).
How to stay fresh, focused and super effective when testing alone
A brief look at the current state of application security in Electron
Lead Test Engineer Daniel tackles the myths around a software testing career.
UX Design
On the 1st of March myself and Graham Odds travelled to Helsinki, Finland to attend the 8th annual Interaction week.
