
Our thoughts on technology and design

How to use a long-press to trigger re-ordering a list in Ionic Framework, instead of Ionic’s default implementation, which requires a button to switch modes.
Taking a look at a new fullstack Javascript web application framework.
Swift's strict initialisation process results in a number of practical issues, leaving developers scratching their heads. This post explores a few solutions including two-phase initialisation, the use of optionals and lazy properties.
Should there be testing standards. If so, who should define them, and how should you access them?
An RSI (Relative Strength Index) D3 component which can be added to a D3 chart. In the blog I've also tried to explain a little bit about RSI and it's uses in calculating risk when trading markets.
Explaining the very basics of AVFoundation while building a Mac Application that stitches 3 .mov files together.
With the HTTP/2 specification just going to Working Group Last Call and due for publication in early 2015, I thought now would be a good time to have a quick look at what's changing.
This post describes a binding helper that allows you to bind arrays directly to table views with ReactiveCocoa. In this update to my previous post, the helper is extended to support mutable arrays.
In this article I'm going to create an interactive Fibonacci fan D3 component, and show you how to add it to a chart in just 6 lines of code.
This post show how the simple task of computing a Mandelbrot set can be split up across multiple threads (and processors) using functional techniques.
Having recently dipped my toe into the world of functional programming with both Scala and Clojure I thought it'd be useful to do a quick compare and contrast of these two JVM based languages.
Using Cordova and Ionic Framework to turn an AngularJS web application into a cross-platform mobile application.
This is a blog post about IE and how it handles windows running code which interacts with each other. I've created a test case that shows IE combine together two stacks so that code runs in a context which, when looking at the source code, seems impossible.
Recently I updated the Scott Logic blog to implement infinite scrolling using a combination of Jekyll pagination and jScroll. Both of these components are quite fussy about their respective configuration, meaning that integrating them took longer than expected. I thought I'd share my solution in this blog post, hopefully saving others from the hours I spent digging into jScroll code or cursing Jekyll!
In my last article I put together an interactive chart that could be panned and zoomed, but there was one obvious omission - crosshairs. In this article I'm going to create a D3 crosshairs component, and show you how to add it to a chart.
Comparison charts, as their name suggests, are great for comparing the percentage price change of multiple stocks in time. In this post, we'll make one using D3.
In this blog post, I talk about my team’s journey from traditional “pass me the keyboard and mouse” pair programming to use of Screenhero for IDE sharing both within the office and remotely.
Swift, as I am sure you are aware, is quite a strict, safe and strongly-typed language. However, because the language needs to maintain Objective-C compatibility it has some rather curious features, and the behaviour of `AnyObject` is one of them!
This post is a continuation of my previous which looked at implementing Conway’s Game of Life using functional techniques. Here I look at how memoization can be used to cache the return value of a function in order to improve performance.
Recently I've been looking at various D3 components, which has been a fun project. I haven't yet had the chance to develop an interactive, dynamic component though, which has meant that the resulting charts have been sadly static. For this article I wanted to use what I've learned to build a fully interactive chart - something that wouldn't look out of place on a financial app.
