
Our thoughts on technology and design

As part of a project I'm working on, I have a requirement for a NoSQL database. There are numerous offerings out there, of which MongoDB and CouchDB appear to be the most popular. So which system should I choose?
As Agile methodologies gain more acceptance in the software development world, should Scott Logic look at introducing Agile to our client projects? And if so how?
It was just two months ago that Apple took us by surprise in releasing the Swift programming language. This blog post reflects on the first few months of Swift adoption.
UX Design
The link between hip hop and UX design doesn't come up often, but it should.
A comparison of Angular and Knockout in an enterprise scale single page application, by building the same sample application with both tools.
This blog post looks out how Swift makes the combination of ReactiveCocoa and MVVM even better ...
Reactive programming is a paradigm which allows you to better represent a work flow where changes in one part of your data model propagate down to other parts of the model. This blog post demonstrates an example of this, by listening for updates to Wikipedia and reacting accordingly.
A few months ago I published a blog post which showed the results of analysing the meta-data of 75,000 apps from the iTunes App Store. This blog post continues the analysis by adding 60,000 Android apps into the mix.
I've recently had a two-part tutorial published on Ray Wenderlich's website that details how ReactiveCocoa can be used to implement the MVVM pattern within iOS applications.
Which school, which certificate? It’s a minefield for testers. Are any certifications worthwhile?
In this blog post I want to take a quick look at the Swift Sequence protocol, which forms the basis for the for-in loop, and see how this allows you to write code that performs sequence operations that are only evaluated on-demand.
Moving from desktop or plugin technologies (Flex, Silverlight, Java Applets) to HTML5 is a challenge for developers of large-scale enterprise applications. This White Paper discusses the challenges and offers potential solutions.
This blog post presents a simple utility class for binding ReactiveCocoa ViewModels to UITableViews without the need for the usual datasource / delegate boiler-plate.
This is the start of a testing journey for Scott Logic, where we will share some testing experiences, expertise and examples.
This blog post presents the result of analysing 250,000 screenshots from the Apple App Store, looking at hue, lightness and saturation histograms for each category.
The App Store continues its rapid growth, with approximately 300,000 apps added each year. I decided it would be fun to download as much app metadata as possible in order to see what patterns and trends I could find. This blog post describes the results.
This blog post looks at how to simulate accelerometer and location data so that you can test iOS apps without the need for a physical device. The simulated data is provided by an interactive UI which allows you to rotate the phone and mark paths on a map which can then be replayed.
It feels like everyone in the iOS community is talking about ReactiveCocoa at the moment. In this blog post I talk briefly about what ReactiveCocoa is and the 'Definitive Guide' which I wrote for
An emeging recipe that can change the way we make rich web apps.
Recently, I have been starting to get to grips with WebGL. Having little to no real previous experience with 3D graphics, there was a reasonably steep learning curve to overcome. So I thought I'd touch on a few of the basics here and share some resources that I found really useful.
