
Our thoughts on technology and design

In an attempt to see how powerful pure CSS can be these days I decided to try implementing some of my favourite visual illusions without any JavaScript. Not only was this good fun, I gained quite a few insights into the current state of CSS.
I've just received an email from those nice folks at CodeProject letting me know that my article 'A Windows Phone 8 Run Tracking App in 100 Lines of Code' has just won the Best Mobile article of January 2013 award.
In the past few months I have been immersing myself into the world of iOS development.
In this post I'll run through the development of DOM-Raphael, a basic CSS3 based JavaScript library which acts as a replacement for Raphael.
Earlier today I received an email informing me that I have been awarded a CodeProject MVP for the year 2013.
This article looks at how you can write a cross-platform mobile application with a shared C# code base using Xamarin MonoTouch.
Introduces a new open source project that helps developers choose a suitable cross-platform framework
Less.js can be run in two ways, firstly through node and secondly in the browser.
UX Design
Some thoughts and concerns about adaptive systems, emphasising the necessity to seriously question any assumptions they operate under so that the benefits they might bring to the user experience of a product outweigh any frustrations or negativity.
We're very soon to launch a site documenting an open source project we've been hard at work producing. As the project is hosted on github, we'll be making use of the Github Pages hosting feature which itself is built on top of Jekyll.
Backbone.js is interesting because it gives you the basic framework of an MVC application without enforcing patterns on you.
This blog post introduces a simple pattern for adding multicasting capabilities to existing iOS controls. Adding multicasting allows for improved clarity and code re-use.
Luke Page, one of the project leads, gives an introduction to less.
The technologies that we use to write applications for our end users are changing at a frightening pace!
With the recent release of Windows 8 and VS 2012, you've probably heard of the bold move in the WinRT API to only offer asynchronous versions of operations which take any significant time and the corresponding async/await feature in C#5 and VB11.
This blog post looks at the issues regarding integration of KnockoutJS and jQueryMobile, and provides a simple worked example - a Twitter Search application - where the two technologies play nicely together!
I've been working on a Windows Store application called EdBus, as part of the CodeProject AppInnovation contest.
Last weekend I traveled to Bradford for the second DDDNorth conference - a community-organised developer event which featured some excellent speakers.
Hot on the heels of Reject.js was JSConf EU, a weekend conference about, well, JavaScript!
A couple of days ago a published a new article on CodeProject, this latest article tackles the migration of a gesture-drive application from Windows Phone to Windows 8.
