
Our thoughts on technology and design

There are a plethora of datagrid and table solutions available for JavaScript applications, but it can still be tough to find one that does exactly what you need. In this post, I provide an introduction to an option you might not have considered: using the table library that doesn't actually provide a table at all.
Artificial Intelligence
I was part of a Scott Logic team that developed and delivered a Proof of Concept (PoC) for a major retail bank which demonstrated high potential business value and showed how GenAI could be reined in as part of a range of options to mitigate risk. In this post, I provide an overview of how it worked.
Ashleigh has been working alongside staff at Altitude Foundation for work experience this year. While on work experience, the team at Altitude Foundation tasked them with interviewing staff from Scott Logic to find out a bit about their careers and how young people could find a path into the tech industry.
Lessons learned in my first two years as a developer, including the importance of learning from failure, avoiding comparison, developing soft skills, and networking.
Those involved in managing organisations' environmental impact often point to the 'supply chain challenge', that is, the difficulty of measuring the GHG emissions associated with suppliers' goods and services. But most businesses are themselves also suppliers, so if we're all waiting for our suppliers to answer the question before we can, then we're stuck in a deadlock. This post shares our first (probably imperfect) stab at trying to progress this issue.
UX Design
In today's digital world, ensuring accessibility in software has become increasingly crucial. The practice of designing software that can be easily used by everyone, including individuals with disabilities, has significant implications for user experience, legal compliance, and business success. In this article, we will delve into the concept of accessibility, its importance, and explore practical considerations to integrate accessibility throughout the software development process. By prioritizing accessibility, we can create inclusive digital experiences that benefit all users and contribute to a more equitable society.
UX Design
My summary of a one day UI/UX conference event in the heart of Bristol. There were a range of talks, from declarative design to web development in the times of AI. This was the first conference I'd attended, so here's my thoughts and highlights of the day.
In this post, I share the top things that resonated with me from the Reset Connect Conference 2023 and crucially some of the topics that I felt were missing – and that we at Scott Logic are actively researching and working on.
Tech · Video
We've all now seen the apparently creative outputs of Generative AI, with astonishing results that seem to border on human creativity. How does GPT-3 achieve this? In this short talk, I lift the lid to reveal the probabilistic elements that allow an otherwise deterministic model to give all the appearances of creativity.
UX Design
In this blog post, two of our consultants share their insights from a panel discussion focused on enhancing the accessibility of digital products and services. They delve into the challenges encountered by disabled users, emphasize the significance of integrating accessibility considerations from the outset, and highlight the universal advantages that accessibility can offer.
Artificial Intelligence
ChatGPT is put through its paces to see how the AI fares as a productivity tool for developing a small project. We look at where it helps, where it doesn't, and where AI tooling might go in the future.
For many of us peer review is an everyday part of software development, but why do we bother and how can we do it well? In this post I share my top tips for peer reviewing code.
After months of hard work, rattling lines of code away, time in meetings, questions, debates, pair programming, banging your head against the wall after hours spent on one elusive bug, new technologies, old technologies, refactoring, testing, polishing and then… the day arrives. Our grad project app is to be released into the wild, used by the very ones who created it.
I recently spent some time remotely attending JSNation, a hybrid-format JavaScript conference held in Amsterdam alongside sister conference React Summit. In this post, I'll cover some points of interest from around half the talks I chose to attend.
Open Source
I'm excited to share that we are imminently reaching our next milestone as we release our set of test suites against FDC3 2.0. In this post, I explain what the FDC3 Conformance Framework is and how it works, and share our experiences from our contribution journey.
Artificial Intelligence
AI tools are being trialled in many areas including software development, with huge potential to transform ways of working. What might the impact of AI be on software architecture? In this post, I make some predictions and argue that software architecture may become more data-driven, with prototype architectures and architectural diagrams being generated from the actual code itself.
Every year at this time, I like to share my thoughts on the continuing relevance of Pride Month. This year, we're going to share insights from the Scott Logic team on what Pride and allyship mean to them, and why they value working in an inclusive environment. I get the ball rolling here.
Artificial Intelligence
Generative AI is moving at an incredible pace, bringing with it a whole new raft of terminology. With articles packed full of terms like prompt injection, embeddings and funky acronyms like LoRA, it can be a little hard to keep pace. For a while now I've been keeping a notebook where I record brief definitions of these new terms as I encounter them. I find it such a useful reference, I thought I'd share it in this blog post.
Using RabbitMQ as it is in Spring Boot works fine. But sometimes it's not enough. This article will explain how to alter the retry behaviour and consume messages concurrently by multiple consumers in RabbitMQ in your Spring Boot Application.
Spring Boot makes developer’s life easier through autoconfiguration. Even though it's true most of the time, occasionally we come across situations where autoconfiguration makes it harder to understand what is really happening behind the scenes and ends up wasting hours or may be days of developer time. This article is about one such rare occasion where understanding of RabbitMQ got confused with how Spring Boot implemented it behind the scenes.
